Hello readers. Okay let me begin blogging about the Tokyo trip. This will be day one....my memory of the trip is already kind of foggy so i will try my best to dig into my guppy brain and remember what we did on the trip. Tokyo in 5 days was like cramming last minute for a big exam. I don't know if that's a good metaphor...hahaha. Basically we covered most of Tokyo in a span of less than 5 days which would of been better if we had maybe 3 weeks. So whoever decides to go, i suggest you take your time on your trip and bring a foldable chair. Sorry if the pictures are not perfect, but they will do. Mad props to Gilbert who took 98% of the pictures. My lazy ass didn't want to lug around the big camera.
So day one we covered:
-Akihabara (electric town)
-Tokyo tower
Anywho... HERE WE GOOO *Input mario voice*

about to board the plane. Byebye to Oki-traz for 5 days!!
Got lost finding our way to the hotel. We stayed at Hotel Gracery.

our bed! Don't be fooled...the room was cramped, yet comfortable.

The nice flat screen tv in our room.

The bathroom....I nearly died when i saw the bathtub. I am a HUGE fan of bathtubs.

The bidet! i was ballsy enough to try it and man....i want one now. Not a big fan of the butt cleanser though...

They actually had shiseido face soap!

couldn't resist

heaven on earth..

First stop! Akihabara aka electric town. So basically Electric town has tons of places to shop for electronics. There is this one store that had 7 or more floors with JUST electronic goodies. It was amazing. One floor was just for cell phones, one for TVs, one for DVDs, one for music, etc etc. Each floor was basically dedicated to a certain electronic item. It was great.

Kind of regret not eating there..

Sooo Mike D and Bryan wanted pictures of the women in Japan, so you guys will get to see some ninja'd pictures of girls. Fail on not having the big 70-200 pedo lens. haha.

I think she saw you Gilbert..

gaming center.

Custom make your own rice ball! how neat.

That thing is so tiny!!

Po po on a bike.


So delicious!

*7-11 (sebun elebun) ii kibuun!!!

road bikes

This bike looked so nice!

They have these places all around Tokyo...women dress up as maids and serve you like you are their master.

"Are all of them women?" face.

Robert! where you at?

ahh speaking of maids. Here is a sample of one.

General picture of what daily life in akihabara is like....crowded.

sushi break.

My favorite.

I think at this point we were lost....so we loitered for a bit until we decided to go to Tokyo tower.

There it is!


We went up the tower. The main observatory is at 145 meters. We went up the special observatory (extra fee of 600yen per person) which was 250meters.

Hard to take pictures with all the glare from the window...but here are a few good ones we got! Good job Gilbert.

I would say this city never sleeps. The view was so impressive.
After all that, we felt hungry so we walked all the way to Roppongi to find some food.

I don't remember what he was looking at..
After much walking we finally found this shopping building. We saw that they had this yakitori place so we went in..We ordered a whole bunch of different things which included: chicken butt, pork, wasabi chicken, grilled avocado, and manta ray, rice ball...and some other things...that i can't remember.

Manta ray. It tasted like squid.

Gilbert says this was the chicken wing with wasabi...i really don't remember what i took pictures of..

Pork? i dunno. Well it really doesn't matter because our experience at this restaurant was not that great. We waited 3 hours for our food, but i guess we couldn't really blame them since they probably space your order out so you order drinks too...which we didn't do since we both are alcohol intolerant. lol.
That pretty much concludes day 1. What a day it was...
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